Saturday, August 31, 2013

Communication and Passes

I dropped the ball on the last few days of the 31writenow challenge, but I couldn't let the last day of the month go by without a post.  Maybe then at least I can say I fumbled the ball instead.  (Look at me making a sports reference, the person who wasn't sure if the Jets played baseball or football)

Listen carefully and speak honestly.  It sounds so simple, but it's so difficult to do. If you listen carefully to people, you might just hear God.  If you speak honestly to people, they might just hear God.  Jesus was all about being real.  He listened carefully and with compassion.  He not only spoke the truth, He WAS and IS the truth.  Truth is life and learning to truly do these things will make life fuller and more real.

I'm going to make developing these things a priority.  I'm not dishonest, but when I look back on some conversations, I realize that I sometimes say things for the wrong reason or that I misinterpreted something someone was saying because of the filter I put in through in my head.  I fumble the ball of communication they pass me.  If you think you could use some work in this area too, I invite you to join me in making some improvements.   Let's learn to really hear people and speak honestly.

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