Thursday, August 15, 2013

Math and Attitude

In 7th grade, I failed to do my math homework so many times that my teacher made me call my parents from school and tell them.  With my teacher sitting across from me, I dialed the home number knowing both my parents were at work, spoke to the answering machine pretending to be talking to my mother, then immediately erased the message when I got home that day.  (Mom, if you ever read this, I'm SORRY!!!)  I don't know how I got away with that, but I did... that day. Unfortunately, I didn't get away with it in life.

I'm still paying for not adequately building the mathematical foundation I needed that was taught in 7th grade.  I had trouble with math starting that year and it all went down hill from there, right through college.  I convinced myself I wasn't good at it, would never get it, and gave up in middle school.

Thank God for renewal.  Lately, I've been changing my mindset about math and it turns out, an attitude change was all it took for me to begin accurately calculating things in my head that I never trusted myself with before. If there's something that causes you to automatically shut down because you feel like you can't do it, take a look at the history of that attitude and change it.  There may just be some things that you're not good at because of a decision you made a long time ago.  Re-examine. You might just be surprised and refreshed to find that the only thing blocking your progress in that area is how you think about it!

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