Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bacon and Creative Confidence

I promise this blog entry is relevant to life, even if you're vegetarian. Read on!

I've never liked pouring hot oil into a can when I have to get it out of what I'm cooking. I remember having the idea of just sopping it up with a paper towel and leaving it somewhere to cool then throwing it in the garbage, but I'd never seen anyone do that so I assumed it was wrong.  Assuming it was wrong, I wouldn't do it, or at least not with anyone around.

Today, I decided to make the BLT Pasta recipe I saw in a youtube video and the host sopped up the hot oil with a paper towel!  (I'm sure you were already aware of this as an acceptable hot-oil-disposal method, but it's news to me).  Now I can openly use a paper towel to absorb the oil. I'm free!

I realized how often the thought process that stopped me from using my cooking idea has slowed me down in the past.  I'll have an idea, but because it's so unlike any others, it feels wrong and I dismiss it before giving it a chance to develop.  It should be obvious that a unique idea is a good one, but it doesn't feel special at the time.  That is why it took me until after I graduated from college to write full songs.  I had a few half-written ones, but they didn't feel right, so I let them remain half-written potential gems on papers that ended up under my bed in a shoe box surrounded by dust bunnies.

If you've ever felt like this, the next time an idea seed it your mind tries to sprout, let it! Give it the sunlight and watering it needs to grow into something great.  Below is a link to the video for a song I wrote called Runway performed by my band, Oxygen Box. (I also put a link to the BLT pasta video).

...and the pasta.  I didn't use the creme fraiche because my mother is lactose intolerant, but it turned out nicely anyway by substituting with some salad dressing!

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