Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Leaders and Pocketed Chocolate

I always like to talk about where I'm going when I haven't gotten there yet.  I think there's value indocumenting the journey as I go.  I'm on my way to being a great leader and maybe you are too, so let's go there together.  If you're meant to be a leader and haven't started, here's why you can't wait any longer.

1. The people you were meant to inspire need you to do it.  For me as a leader, I've had a fear of what to do in the face of conflict.  As a particularly non-confrontational person, I don't enjoy confronting or being confronted.  I confess that confrontation in highly uncomfortable and finding the  confidence needed for such an confounded conference leaves me confused. (I would prefer sitting here playing with words all day than to have an argument.)  If you aren't taking your position as a leader because you're afraid of opposition and "haters", remember that you owe it to all the people you're going to encourage not to let the people who will try to bring you down succeed.

2. You need to do it for yourself. If you're meant to be a leader, you're never going to be satisfied until you start leading.  Once you're doing what you're supposed to do, the fears you once had will begin to melt like chocolate in my pocket and you'll begin to feel fulfilled.  You'll achieve things you never thought you could and that will make you feel great!

3. The next generation needs to see you being a role model.  I guess every generation looks at the younger one with worry, but I'm really starting to understand what our grandparents were talking about when they said "back in our day..." and then follow with something that illustrates some good quality that's been lost in the human race. There are a lot of lost kids out there that don't want to be lost and are counting on you to help them find their way even though they don't know it yet.

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