Monday, August 19, 2013

Geese and Success

Today I learned that I'm a goose-killer.  I kill geese all the time without realizing it and this goose-icide must come to an end.  I'm not the only one. You might just be a goose-killer too.

In the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, the author makes reference to the story of the farmer whose goose began to lay golden eggs. The more the goose laid eggs, the greedier the farmer got and soon, he became impatient with getting one egg at a time.  He decided to kill the goose and get all the eggs at the same time, but of course, there was nothing there. The farmer lost his gold-egg laying goose and that was the end of the gold eggs.

Covey used this example to show what happens in life when we don't nurture the thing that brings about the results we want. When we ignore such things and just look at the product, producing becomes unsustainable.  We need to nurture our relationships with others, take care of our health, and maintain the physical and mental tools that we use in order to achieve lasting success.

I'm still just reading the introduction and I can tell this is going to be a great book.  If you haven't read it, join me and lets develop together! We'll break up the goose-mob.

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